The SMF Data Management System©
SMFUTIL is an SMF Data Mangement System that enables the OS/390 Systems Programmer to Archive, Manage and Retrieve the SMF data so critical to the success of modern data centers.
SMFVIEW is an ISPF SMF data Browse/Edit utility that allows an SMF data Systems Professional to view and modify SMF data records using a full screen ISPF panel display.
For marketing information contact ASPG, Inc. at 1-800-662-6090 or go to:
SVV11Beta.EXE - Beta test version of SMFVIEW V1.1 as of March 25, 2011
SVV11Beta.ZIP - for those that need it, the same content as SVV11Beta.EXE above but not self-extracting.
SUV8.EXE - SMFUTIL Version 8.0/SU80134 GA Product Distribution, Dated December 5. 2024 with updated SMFREADL object module plus corrected modules that were in error.
Plus the new DSNTYPEL DDA keyword to allow the creation of LARGE datasets.
In addition, syntax errors in DDALOGR and READLOGR have been corrected. Note the SU80124 correction was re-penned again for another syntax error correction to the DDALOGR keyword.
The SMFDB2TB table has been updated to recognize DB2 V12 and V13.
If you previously downloaded the SU80129 or SU80129++ level and installed it, you should download the SU80133 level and install it now.
(THIS IS THE FULL INSTALLATION FILE) for trials and existing user upgrades (4.4 Meg download!)
NOTE: The SMFUGENC calendar generation utility has been patched to correct an error generated in the output calendar when a period is generated spanning from a LEAP year to a new year.
NOTE: See the README.TXT or $NOTES INSTLIB member for important modifications that must be made to USERDFLT before INSTALL!
NOTE: All Previous SU80127 levels contained an embedded error and has been corrected at the SU80128 level. If you previously installed any SU80127 level, please reinstall with this level.
SUV8.ZIP - For those that need it, the same content as SUV8.EXE above but not self-extracting.
This is a full installation file to do an original installation of SMFUTIL V8. If you only need current maintenance for V8, see SMFUTL80.EXE below.
If you are currently running V7 or wish to trial SMFUTIL, this is the file you need to install and test V8 of SMFUTIL.
This is a self extracting executable that contains a job to upload to the mainframe to create
the distribution libraries as they would have come from a tape. It also has PDF and WORD versions
of the SMFUTIL manual for V8. See the README.TXT file for instructions.
Review AMNTREAD member of the SMFUTIL8.INSTLIB for updates to the SMFUAMNT utility program.
Existing customers may download this file to upgrade to V8. You will need to contact the sales office
for a license update for this version.
Please test this new version thoroughly as there have been extensive modifications over V7.
Others may download this file for a trial of SMFUTIL. Please contact ASPG Sales at the above
phone numbers for a trial license code.
NOTE: SMFUTIL users of both V7 and V8 should apply the appropriate PTF for IBM APAR OA06699 if applicable to their environment.
The available PTF's are UA09815 for R1F0 and UA09816 for R1G0 of DFSMS/MVS. This prevents an 0C4 abend when
the SIOT is above the line.
This is considered a HYPER fix for the operating system to properly support SMFUTIL.
NOTE: Level SU80097 is required to support the new SMFVIEW V1.1 and it's ability to read LOGSTREAM SMF data records.
The SU80097 is also considered a HYPER fix for users of LOGSTREAM data sources as it corrects a sporadic S0C4 abend in
SMFUTIL when a LOGSTREAM dataset is used as input.
SMFUTL80.EXE - SMFUTIL Version 8.0 (MAINTENANCE FILE), Level SU80133, GA Maintenance Distribution, Dated January 24, 2023 with updated SMFREADL object module
and the new DSNTYPEL DDA keyword to allow the creation of LARGE datasets. In addition, syntax errors in DDALOGR (again) and READLOGR have been corrected.
The SMFDB2TB table has been updated to recognize DB2 V12 and V13.
Also note the SU80124 correction was re-penned again for another syntax error correction to the DDALOGR keyword.
If you previously downloaded the SU80129 or SU80129++ level and installed it, you should
download the SU80133 level and install it now.
The SMFUGENC calendar generation utility has been patched to correct an error
generated in the output calendar when a period is generated spanning from a LEAP
year to a new year.
NOTE: See the README.TXT or $NOTES INSTLIB member for important modifications that must be made to USERDFLT before INSTALL!
NOTE: All Previous SU80127 levels contained an embedded error and has been corrected at the SU80128 level. If you previously installed any SU80127 level, please reinstall with this level.
SMFUTL80.ZIP - For those that need it, the same content as SMFUTL80.EXE file above but not self extracting.
This is cumulative maintenance only to be applied to an existing SMFUTIL V8 installation. It does not contain the entire product.!
As of SU80090 and above, SMFUTIL now supports input of an SMF LOGR LOGSTREAM structure via a DDA block.
See the README.TXT Note #28 and #38 for an introduction and see the LOGSTRM.PDF file in this package for full details.
SMFUAMNT utility program corrected and enhanced again at SU80067++ with changes to keyword processing to allow
archived datasets recalled to different volumes to be retained in the SMFUTIL ARCHIVE. Check out the new keyword
MISCATLG and changes to NOTCATLG in the new AMNTREAD.TXT file. This file has full details on SMFUAMNT keywords.
NOTE: SU80070 introduces keyword SIDFORCE to force DUMPCLEARALL output SMF data records to have the executing system id in them.
NOTE: A new SMFDB2TB table has been added to support DB2, Version 8.x.
NOTE: SU80056 introduces DDA syntax modifications to MODEL and SPACE.
MODEL(NONE) and SPACE(NONE) are now allowed to suppress SMFUTIL supplying these parameters.
NOTE: SU80045 introduces new CHECK7 keyword which causes RC=70+ if Record Type 7 is detected in run.
See the README.TXT for details.
NOTE: As of SU80043, the load module SMFRNTVC should be removed from the target INSTALL library (LNKLSTxx).
It is now only used internally in the SMFUTIL load module.
NOTE: SMFDFLTS macro has corrected and updated and is included in this package.
You must use this new version with SU80033 and up.
NOTE: SU80037 introduces a new DDA Block keyword, "STRIPED" that is used to indicated a Striped multiple volume
dataset is being created. This causes the dataset to be treated as a single volume dataset in the ARCHIVE.
SMFUADBU ISPF interface for ARCHIVE has corrected AEXPIRE date processing at SU80053++.
DUMMY SYSUT1z allowed in DUMPCLEARALL for RC=0 all the time! See README.TXT for info.
NOTE: Fix SU80073 requires the updated SMFSSTBL (Subset Table) included with this file for type 42 records to be recognized
as containing dataset names.
SVV1.EXE - SMFVIEW Version 1.0/SV1004 GA Product Distribution (FULL INSTALLATION FILE) for trials.
If you are trialing, use SVV11Beta.EXE above instead!
This is a full installation file to do an original installation of SMFVIEW V1.
This is a self extracting executable. It contains 5 XMIT format files to upload to the mainframe to create
the distribution libraries as they would have come from a tape. It also has PDF and WORD versions
of the SMFVIEW manual for V1. See the README.TXT file for instructions.
You will need to contact the ASPG sales office for a license update for this product.
Please contact ASPG Sales at the above phone numbers for a trial license code.
NOTE: SMFVIEW requires SMFUTIL to be present in the operating environment in order to execute. It is an extension to the SMFUTIL
product and uses SMFUTIL to move the SMF data.